Ancient life concept


Ancient society did have a civilization of noble or noble cultural values in interpreting and living this life for everything in nature such as fellow humans, nature, water, rain, and animals as well as others. Ancient people were able to create the concept of thinking or also called philosophy which until now in modern society is still popular or widely understood but unfortunately, very few can apply it to real life, one of the reasons is the inclusion of various kinds of foreign cultures that enter and are very easily accessible through advances in modern technology so that they unconsciously have eroded the local wisdom of a culture that has existed for generations as a result, making culture or local wisdom increasingly eroded, continues to erode leaving only a history and only words. , far from being implemented in people's lives today, let alone knowing the significance or noble values in it. 

both between fellow humans and the natural surroundings which are part of life in this universe. One of the cultures of the ancients had a very noble meaning, especially if it could be applied to living with nature, namely:

1. Clothing or the term clothing.

In the past, most people in their lives had the concept of clothes being more important or above food, although in general food was more important than clothes. Their philosophy was that the ancient people wore clothes that made people's self-respect and dignity be protected, because, from these clothes, the human genitalia was covered to even the most sensitive organs. For them, dignity, self-respect, and honor are the main or fundamental things, that's why people in ancient times were able to maintain their honor and were also able to maintain the honor of all that exists in this universe so that harmony in sustainability was always maintained. As for food matters, they take just enough, not excessive or extravagant, even their habit is that many fast both physically and spiritually.

2. Food and drink or food.

As we mentioned above Regarding food, drink or food is placed after clothing or clothing. It can't be separated from the habits of the people of the era who often fast or eat something in moderation, not excessive, and even then it is not far from their philosophy of living with the term manganese go trip Dudu trip go eat or other terms eat just to survive, not even live just to eat. The existence of such a lifestyle is why people in the past had healthy, strong, and long-lived physiques.

3. Residence, house, or called the Board.

As for the latter, a board or a place to live is something that is considered by many to be put aside or only limited to a place so that it is not exposed to heat and rain so that their house is very much different from people today who are big, big and luxurious. Although the houses of the ancient people did not look luxurious and large, in terms of architecture, it was much more attractive, beautiful to look at, and high in artistic value and when entered, it felt different, cooler, and more spiritual, even though it was not touched by modern technology as it is today.

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