couple harmony tips


Living in today's modern era, one of the characteristics of the modern concept of life is to prioritize reason and material things or something tangible that can be seen clearly so that it leads to materialism. Living in today's modern era, one of the characteristics of modern people's concept of life is to prioritize ratios or reason and material things or something that can be seen with the eyes of all that leads to a materialistic lifestyle. For this reason, modern people who are like that result in something that is not real, mysterious, supernatural, or invisible to the senses of the eye, they become very weak, lack belief, or even do not believe at all. In fact, if you observe in this life of various kinds, we often encounter and experience, apart from what can be seen or seen by the eye, many things that are not real, are mysterious, which cannot be reached by our minds, we experience them even more often. As a small example of something mysterious that cannot be accepted by common sense, that is when healthy people suddenly die, rich people suddenly become poor, or suddenly there is the Covid 19 virus and many more. Therefore, it is not appropriate or not appropriate if in dealing with many things in life if we only rely on reason or if our minds are not capable or very limited and believe it or not believe it is undeniable. 

 The existence of lifestyle of most modern postal society focuses more on reason and everything that can be seen with the eye is real or materialistic in responding to solving all things in living life in this world, including matters of romance, love, relationships of the opposite sex or looking for a life partner. also inseparable from such a concept. In matters of romance or looking for a life partner, modern society is oriented towards materialism and is limited to the eyes of each other, causing not a few couples to end up in the middle and far away from the words of harmony, eternity and tranquility in a romantic relationship or family. 

 To be able to have harmony, peace, tranquility, and eternity in a married relationship is not only limited to abundant material and having a beautiful and handsome partner and so on, but the most important are factors that cannot be seen or are supernatural such as sincerity, and love. dear and most fundamentally more to the religion of divinity, namely to follow the commands of ALLAH SWT to worship God Almighty. for more depth about the main key to having a harmonious, calm, peaceful, and lasting family until the end of the day, here are the tips: 

 Tips on longevity and harmony in a family relationship include: 

 A.A clean, sincere heart and the intention to worship Allah SWT in a relationship with a partner. 

 So that the heart can always be clean, sincere, and sincere by always being close, obedient, or diligent in worshiping Allah SWT and the media in worshiping Allah SWT is wrong by having a marriage relationship so that you can obtain a harmonious relationship with your partner, the most important thing is based on Allah SWT solely not based on material such as physical form or abundant wealth. 

 B. Sharing and communication or exchanging ideas and opinions must be maintained, especially in the last third of the night. 

 For modern people, it is the result of being too busy working hard in pursuit of material or seeking as much economy as possible, resulting in not having time to share thoughts, let alone taking the time to wake up in the middle of the night in the last third of the night, even though at that time it is the time most loved by Allah SWT, it is very efficacious for exchanging thoughts because angels come down to ask for blessings on people who worship, including in terms of the blessing of couples. 

C. Avoid having a spirit of leading but changing with a soul of protecting your partner.

 The misunderstanding among modern people in going through relationships is the emergence of a leadership spirit, especially for men or men who want to be leaders of women or women, the existence of such a concept causes many men to position themselves like kings where everything must be according to their will must be followed even though it would be even wiser if in a relationship to change the position of a leader to be a protector or mean to protect, cool and set an example or be a good role model for his partner. this is to the concept of the Prophet Muhammad, who has been the role model of his people until now until the end of time. 

 D. Adjust their respective positions in a relationship with a partner. 

 To be able to have harmony in a relationship, especially when you are husband and wife, one of the tips is to adjust your position correctly, meaning that men have an obligation in terms of providing a living through the media of work, trade, business or other things, then women are tasked with looking after and caring for their husbands. and their children like cooking, washing, cleaning the house, and the like that way nothing is neglected and left behind. This is in contrast to the current situation in society, where the position of all is not clear, everyone is busy making money, and working hard, as a result, the victims are children who lack love from their parents. 

 E. Not excessively carried away, or consumerism towards ITE-based media. 

 As a result of excess, consumerism, and being carried away by ITE-based media, not a few have become a boomerang against the integrity of harmony in living a relationship with a partner, for this reason, so that harmony is maintained, we are required to be smart and wise in responding to these technological advances.

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