Enough with a hacksaw, the motorcycle seat becomes thin and cool


It is the dream of most owners of an iron vehicle called a motorcycle is to have a motorcycle that has good performance, durable, strong and durable and comfortable when driving, that's why many motorcycle manufacturing companies compete with each other to realize what they desire. or desires by today's society. As proof of their seriousness, the makers who produce a motorcycle to realize all those dreams, we can see this together for motorcycles with the latest releases having excellent performance, attractive shape designs coupled with the latest technological sophistication updates that are always updated from motorbikes today are compared to old-fashioned motorbikes which tend to be simple as they are. 

 Even so, the motorcycle with its latest release has been designed in such a way with performance, excellence, and a good shape design and is comfortable to use even with advanced technology to achieve its goal of satisfying consumer desires, but there are still motorcycle owners who are not satisfied with motorcycles. latest release. it can be seen that many motorcycle owners modify or redesign the motorcycle to be as desired, both in terms of performance or in terms of shape design and other sides.

 The behavior of the owner of a motorcycle who is dissatisfied with the results of motorcycle production today, most of the perpetrators are young people or you are millennials and also those who like to express their work in modifying their motorcycle, especially in terms of changing the appearance to make it look cooler, more modify and pleasing to the eye even though the comfort side is often neglected. As for changing the appearance of the motorcycle to make it look more attractive, what is often prioritized first is the seat of the motorcycle by reducing the thickness of the foam component. And to do all that for those with minimal funds, that is by doing it yourself using a simple tool or a simple hacksaw. For more details about the technique and how to do it, we will inform you of the:

 For the owner of a motorcycle who has minimal funds but wants the appearance of the seat to be thin, that is by doing it yourself to look as follows: 

 A. The use of tools that are simple and easy to obtain such as: 

 - Hacksaw. 

 - Tool for grating coconut. 

 - Marker or pencil. 

 B. The method or technique of thinning the seat foam or reducing the thickness of the motorcycle seat foam. 

 - The first step, if you can remove the joke cover, is to design or outline the edges from the front side to the back side as for the thickness of the seat foam which is thinned as desired, using an existing marker or pencil.

 - The next step after forming a line of Busan thickness that will be thinned then goes to the stage of cutting the line design that was made on the motorcycle seat foam using a hacksaw for the method, start sawing on the front side of the seat slowly then proceed to the right side and then the middle continues to the left side after you have continued to the back also from the right side, the middle and the left side and if you have reached the middle of the motorcycle seat stop for a while then start sawing again with the technique as we mentioned above until you reach the back end of the motorcycle seat. It is necessary to pay attention in the process of sawing the foam so that the results are maximum, which is flat, thereby facilitating the process of smoothing the foam at the finishing stage, then try to position the saw when thinning the foam, keep it straight at 100 degrees, not tilt or turn and also sawing in the same direction, not back and forth, these are all keys to success. thinning the foam of the motorcycle seat. 

 - The last step is the finishing stage or smoothing the upholstery foam that had been thinned using a hacksaw, at this stage whether it is fast or not and whether it is difficult or not is determined by the success or failure of the sawing stage for the upholstery foam, this is because, for the stage of smoothing the foam using a grating tool The coconut is only smoothing the surface of the upholstery foam that has been thinned so that it looks smooth so it looks nice, neat and cool when the leather is attached to the motorcycle seat cover, as for how to smooth it, it is enough to rub the coconut grating tool over the upholstery foam floating not too pressing and in the same direction and do not go back and forth to avoid hurting the upholstery foam or being eroded too deeply from the tool.

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